1. Budgets

GWG operates on quarterly budgets broken down by calendar month, with a monthly retroactive bounty review and disbursement cycle.

You can find the quarterly budgets on the Gov Forum

2. Community Treasury Requests

Starting in April 2023 we were able to launch v0 of NDC, which also saw us introducing a new step between the budget and the actuals: the Community Treasury Requests. We can think of these as “updated monthly budgets” or as “planned monthly spend plus contingency”. Each of these requests are managed in four distinct steps:

  1. First a breakdown of the request is published as a Forum post for the community to review and comment on
  2. The request is then ratified by the GWG Contributors, which serves as an indication to the Trustees that there is broad consent behind the Treasury Request (this is a temporary measure during v0 of NDC, before the House of Merit can vote on Treasury Requests in v1 of NDC)
  3. Thereafter we request one or more Transfers from the Community Treasury. The reason we break up the transfer is to keep each transfer below the individual transfer limit of $100k as stipulated in the Trust governance document.
  4. After the funds from the Treasury for a specific month have been disbursed, then we transfer back unused funds (typically equal to the contingency) to the Community Treasury before requesting funds for the next month.

The fourth step might seem like an extra and unnecessary admin step, but the reason we do this is to display clearly to any auditors that GWG does not hold nor invest funds for any extended periods of time. The GWG only serves as a vehicle for disbursing funds (bounties and expense reimbursements) to the community and nothing else.

April Treasury Request

  1. the Forum Post for $130,112
  2. the GWG ratification